Find spacing opportunities and do not fall into Wolf's shooting cycle (you know the one I'm talking about). I would recommend being more physical against a Wolf rather than using a lot of ammunition.
just stand up and go.... worst matchup for megaman use another character
Mega Man moves are almost always his projectiles. Be careful, Wolf down special is a reflector that can reflect projectiles which means Mega Man has a bad matchup against him.
Play reactionary vs Laser, Edge guard and Ledge-trap as hard as you can and be conscious of every option you do. Unlike a lot of Match ups this one you cant just shoot whatever you want.
Crouch the Lazer, adds mental damage and down tilt is decent to punish a miss
Unwinnable match up. You must use a secondary here
This page contains tips and tricks for in the game Super Smash Bros. Ultimate against other characters. Use these strategies
to hone your skills and learn about popular matchups and game tips Players generally like to know who is good versus who.
This type of site applies to MOBA's such as League of Legends, DoTA, Vainglory, LoL, Arena of Heroes, Heroes of Newearth,
and Paladin. These type of character matchups are particularly useful for games with 1on1 or one versus one, or one v one
gameplay. Games include, Quake Champions, Super Smash Brothers, Overwatch, Street Fighter, Tekken, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibre,
and any other one on one fighting game. These type of pages are very useful for eSports, e-sports, or competative gaming
in general.